Monday, 28 April 2014

Totoro Cookie

A couple of years ago my elder daughter was in an international class and her classmates were all from different countries. It is a sad thing to see that all her friends either went back to their country of origin or moved on to other international schools.

This particular Japanese mother friend with two daughters is coming back for a visit and we are going to catch up tomorrow. She wishes to order a Tiffany Box. So I made one for her and I am also going to give her a 3D Totoro set as a surprise!

1) Print images from the internet
2) Cut out the image and put them over the cookie dough to cut out the shapes
3) Cut out as shown in below picture and place them on the baked cookie to trace outline

4) Pipe them!

5) Glue them with royal icing and take beautiful pictures!

Awww~ They look so cute in every angle!

How to make the log? See here.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

金秀賢香港站的定購 Kim Soo Hyun Hong Kong fan club's order


I'm both honoured and thrilled to have received 'Kim Soo Hyun HK - side by side' fan club's order. Knowing that my handmade cookies were going to be in Kim Soo Hyun's hands made me sooo excited!!!!!

Photo courtesy of 金秀賢香港後援會

A total of four designs wished by the fan club leaders:

Approval on transformed comical images:

Cookie-fied version:

Presents from the HK fan club:

Photo courtesy of 台灣金秀賢TSH粉絲團

Behind the scene: facial details were drawn on freehand with food colouring.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

學做糖霜曲奇 Decorated Cookie Tutorials

有不少人問我會否開班教做糖霜曲奇, 其實我也很想分享我的心得與技巧, 但身為兩幼女之母, 經考慮之後, 實在是抽不出時間。但如果你真的對糖霜曲奇很有興趣, 這裡我搜集了一些很有用的網頁, 也是我最經常參考的地方。

Sugarbelle 是我經常提起的網頁, 其實在糖霜曲奇界幾乎沒有人不知道她是誰。她真的是充滿創作力。她的網頁包含了所有糖霜曲奇的需知, 是初學者的好地方。首次做糖霜曲奇前(1/2014), 我花了一個月的時間'study'她的tutorial和make notes, 她是令我愛上糖霜曲奇的最大影響力。

SweetAmbs 人如其名, 她真的很sweet, 所以她的作品讓我看起來也有甜蜜細綺的感覺。她的作品比較elegant, 精細, 看得出每個曲奇都很細心地做出來的(她必定也是個很細心有耐性的人吧)。如果你想做一些精細的糖霜曲奇, 她的tutorial是一流的喇!

Jill's Sugar Collection 是日本的cookie decorator, 原為nail artist。我很喜歡和常參考她的蕾絲作品, 當然, 身為藝術家, 我很想畫出屬於我自己風格的蕾絲。

De Koekenbakkers 是位荷蘭人, 我喜歡她的3D曲奇。我轉了曲奇recipe, 已在用她的, 比較香脆, 很好美o奧!

希望這些能幫助啟發你做糖霜曲奇的技巧, 也歡迎你能和我分享一些心得!

If you love decorated cookies like I do too, below are some very useful websites where I frequent and learn all the techniques from. Enjoy!

Sugarbelle is one of the most famously known cookie decorator out there (in Texas, US). She has immense creativity. I love her simplicity and colour coordinations. I learnt nearly everything from her website and it has the most profound influence on my decision to become a cookie decorator. It is a beginner must visit!

SweetAmbs likewise is a very sweet person I think. Her work involves intricate details and patience. I love her tutorials. I have yet to chanllenge myself on the basket woven.

Jill's Sugar Collection is a nail artist turn cookie decorator from Japan. I looove her lacework. I hope that some day I can create my own style of lacework.

De Koekenbakkers is from the Netherlands. I adore her 3D cookies. I have also adopted her cookie recipes because I love a crunchy buttery cookie, mmm, yum!

So there you go, I would also love to hear from you on your cookie decorating journey and share our experiences!

Monday, 7 April 2014

Sofia the First cookies

Which little girl doesn't like Disney's latest princess Sofia? I have been ask by a few mums if I will be making Sofia and my response was, 'Maybe later', however, I actually can't wait to challenge myself to make these!!! I must admit, the details were killing me at some stage and I thought of giving up, why did I even go to this length of details on a tiny piece of drawing platform??? But, I persisted because I am crazy about cookie art!

Here's the process...

1) The full length Sofia is 5-inches long. I combined a slipper cutter and a tweaked heart shape cutter for her dress.

2) Trace the outline of Sofia with food colour pen and pipe the outline

3) Let it dry and fill in the hair. Then start piping the dress with 20 second icing.

4) Paint the details.
(For the dress, 4-inches, I used a small tomb stone cutter and a tulip cutter for the bottom)

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


第6個記錄 (My 6th set of cookies)

紅遍全亞洲的韓劇"來自星星的你"你看過了吧! 相信你也愛上了都叫獸了吧! 真的, 身為韓劇迷的我, 每次看了一齣好看的韓劇後, 都會愛上男主角的, 這就是韓劇的魔力!

來自星星的你 曲奇 製作過程

1) 畫了3個design才滿意。都敏俊的特徵很易認(那嘴角), 千頌伊雖然很美(從"野蠻女友"時已很喜歡全智賢), 但很難特出是她, 想了很久, 給她帶個髮帶吧

2) 自製曲奇模... 小心切... 小心切...

3) 畫輪廓, 其他的要freehand, 除非有Kopykake這個神器。好想要呀~ 但美國的郵費很貴呀>_<

4) Outlining and piping

5) Painting with food colouring gel, 小時候就很喜歡"畫公仔", 大個了畫在餅上。

太專心了, 忙了影相...

6) DONE! 免費送給都Manager迷, 請'Like'我的Facebook專頁: Cookie and Me 和留言給我。

多謝你的觀賞。每個曲奇都是我心血結晶品, 如果你喜歡我的作品, 請留意和'Like'我的Facebook Page: Cookie and Me 我會努力製作更多漂亮的曲奇, 希望能夠給你和朋友們驚喜。


Total production time (13 heads + 10 stars): baking + mixing colours + piping & painting = 16 hours

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Tiffany box cookie

I have been thinking a lot about 3D cookies lately, ever since I made the 3D duck cookies I have been brainstorming ideas. It's my best friend's birthday coming up and I instantly thought of a cookie box that suits her love of Tiffany&Co, so here it is...

Custom made 3D Tiffany&Co cookie box for a special someone.

My husband (who has two engineering degrees) doubted me about my maths skill used to construct the boxes *grump*. It turns out my calculation is perfect. Phew!

This also makes a great Valentine's Day or Wedding Anniversary gift!

I love the application of jittery glitters...

This time I am using chocolate butter cookie as the base. It took me one whole day of decorating (two boxes plus six rings). Here is a snapshot of the process...

and my perfectly calculated cookie template...