Monday, 7 April 2014

Sofia the First cookies

Which little girl doesn't like Disney's latest princess Sofia? I have been ask by a few mums if I will be making Sofia and my response was, 'Maybe later', however, I actually can't wait to challenge myself to make these!!! I must admit, the details were killing me at some stage and I thought of giving up, why did I even go to this length of details on a tiny piece of drawing platform??? But, I persisted because I am crazy about cookie art!

Here's the process...

1) The full length Sofia is 5-inches long. I combined a slipper cutter and a tweaked heart shape cutter for her dress.

2) Trace the outline of Sofia with food colour pen and pipe the outline

3) Let it dry and fill in the hair. Then start piping the dress with 20 second icing.

4) Paint the details.
(For the dress, 4-inches, I used a small tomb stone cutter and a tulip cutter for the bottom)

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