About Me

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Previously a private banker, now an avid cookie artist and a full time mum of 2 who moved from Sydney to the buzzing city of Hong Kong. I started decorating cookies since Jan 2014 and it's my passion to create cookies that bring a smile on everyone. Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/cookieandme

Monday 28 April 2014

Totoro Cookie

A couple of years ago my elder daughter was in an international class and her classmates were all from different countries. It is a sad thing to see that all her friends either went back to their country of origin or moved on to other international schools.

This particular Japanese mother friend with two daughters is coming back for a visit and we are going to catch up tomorrow. She wishes to order a Tiffany Box. So I made one for her and I am also going to give her a 3D Totoro set as a surprise!

1) Print images from the internet
2) Cut out the image and put them over the cookie dough to cut out the shapes
3) Cut out as shown in below picture and place them on the baked cookie to trace outline

4) Pipe them!

5) Glue them with royal icing and take beautiful pictures!

Awww~ They look so cute in every angle!

How to make the log? See here.