About Me

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Previously a private banker, now an avid cookie artist and a full time mum of 2 who moved from Sydney to the buzzing city of Hong Kong. I started decorating cookies since Jan 2014 and it's my passion to create cookies that bring a smile on everyone. Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/cookieandme

Sunday 16 March 2014

Stained glass cookies

This is the first batch of cookies that I baked. I didn't want to bake plain cookies, but at the time I had only hearts and stars cutters. So I've decided to do stained glass cookies. It was easy enough, I just had to make sure that the lollies dissolved perfectly by stand in front of the oven throughout the whole baking time. I am using FOX'S candies.

A birthday party is held every month at my elder daughter's school, each student is welcomed to bring some snacks to the celebration. This was made in January which is my daughter's birth month. So what better way to celebrate her birthday with all her classmates than to have my handmade cookies.

Here are the pictures of my first batch of cookies... (Excuse the quality as I was only taking photos with my iPhone5 in the beginning.)

I packaged them like this... with my daughter's expert sticker sticking skill...

Later when I went to pick up my daughter from school, one of the parent said they were really yummy. That was so encouraging. :)

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