About Me

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Previously a private banker, now an avid cookie artist and a full time mum of 2 who moved from Sydney to the buzzing city of Hong Kong. I started decorating cookies since Jan 2014 and it's my passion to create cookies that bring a smile on everyone. Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/cookieandme

Saturday 15 March 2014

The Calling...

It all began in Dec 2013 when a friend gave me plain cut-out gingerbread man cookies for Christmas. They were cute and yummy, but something was missing I thought to myself... the eyes, mouth, hands and legs details! How I wanted to add those details to them so that they look like Gingy from Shrek!

So I began researching for Gingy looking cookies and it's the first time in my life (where have I been all these years?) to open up to this world of cookie art! I was hooked ever since. I spent day and night looking at decorated cookies on Pinterest and blogger tutorials (they seem to be all from the States) and YouTube videos, researching cookie recipes and cookie gadgets. I wanted to start ASAP. So I began baking and perfecting my butter cookie recipe while gathering my shopping list from Taobao(淘寶), Twinsco(二得惠) and Sweet Decorations...

Cookie art incorporated so many elements of the things I love in life:- drawing, designing, browsing at beautiful things, being crafty, crunchy butter cookies, chocolate cookies and most of all, I get to spend quality time with my 5 year old who loves to bake, draw and decorate with me!

I have so many ideas and designs lined up already, the creativity in cookie art is literately endless. With 2 youngsters, I just hope that I get time to put them all into practice and create cookies that put a smile on everyone!

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